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Our Family
Photographs, videos, stories and a little genealogy
(photographs are click to enlarge)
This website was last updated on 24 Nov 2015

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Our Story
Our Hometown of Denbigh
Records of Denbigh date back to the 11th Century where it was described as a small border market town. Denbigh (or 'Dinbych' in Welsh meaning 'Little fortress') grew steadily throughout the next 200 years to become a royal residence for Welsh Princes and a focal point of Welsh power in North Wales.
It is from here that 'Our Story' begins
Once upon a time a long time ago, a handsome baby boy and a beautiful baby girl were born and they started their lives living in a magical welsh town called Denbigh. As the years past by the boy and girl grew up in separate parts of the welsh town, the boy 'downtown', the girl 'uptown' but when they reached their teens they eventually met for the first time. The rest is history and their life story continues to grow over forty years later on, as they continue their journey through life.
Many highlights, some lowlights, some funny, some sad, some memorable, some forgetful but all very precious.
Townsend (pictured below) looking towards the fruit and veg shop run by Glenys. I used to work there from a 10yr old after school and on Saturdays. Great memories, great fun and a shop bike that took some expertise to ride. I stayed there for a few years and managed the bike very well in the end.
Ursula also worked close by in a food shop run by Len Johnson. To this day I can remember her cutting her hand on the bacon slicer.
Crossroads cafe is also seen on the left in the Townsend photograph. It was here that we as youngsters started to meet and chat over a pepsi and listen to the lastest tunes on the jukebox. The cafe was a great place to meet up with all our friends and the chips were pretty good as well.
The avenue were I was brought up as a child and lived for twenty one years before moving away to Park Street. Ursula started her Denbigh life 'uptown' and moved 'downtown' to Abbey Court in the mid 1960's. Many years later my sister Freda moved into the bungalow that Ursula spent most of her teenage years in.
Having met Ursula in High school we eventually plucked up the courage to go on a date together. Infact it was Urs who had the courage to ask me out (via Diane Roberts), I was more that happy to say "I will think about it and let you know". It didn't take me long to say 'OK then'. Its always best not to been seen to be so eager.

Clwyd Avenue Denbigh

Maes y Dre Denbigh

Downtown Boy meets
Uptown Girl
Fruitshop bike
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Wikipedia Denbigh

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My short video of Denbigh and the Vale of Clwyd

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Photographic memories of Denbigh (nigh) Facebook site